ENERGIESTRO is an innovative French company developing the technology of flywheel energy storage. Its main objective is to reduce the cost of storage, with battery technology is still too high.
ENERGIESTRO was founded in 2001 by Anne and André GENNESSEAUX and a dozen individual investors. Their initial project was to develop an innovative generator, incorporating flywheel energy storage, capable of supplying power to buildings (electricity and heat) in a completely renewable way. Although this project was a technological success, it has not resulted in commercial products because the development of renewable fuels cheaper than fossil fuels has not yet occurred. Instead solar photovoltaic energy has become the least expensive renewable energy, but with a large need for storage which ENERGIESTRO can now satisfy.
ENERGIESTRO protects its investment in research and development by international patents.
ENERGIESTRO is supported by the European Commission, BPI France, Région Centre and the town of Chateaudun.
ENERGIESTRO is funded by individual investors: please contact us if you are interested in investing and being informed of the next fundraising event.