Company name: ENERGIESTRO
Tel: +33 (0)9 73 89 00 52
Legal form: SAS with capital of 392.992 €
Trade register number: RCS Belfort 438 829 434
NAF code: 7219Z
Intra-Community number: FR46438829434
Headquarters and establishment: 12 C rue du port, Zac du port,
90850 Essert – FRANCE
Director of publication: André Gennesseaux
Contact information:
Details of the host:
222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
DPO / DPO Manager: Olivier Fournier
Contact information:
Use of data:
the protection of your personal information is given priority.
We respect, of course, the laws on data protection
and wish to inform you exhaustively about the treatment
of your data.
This data is collected exclusively with the form via the Contact page.
These are confidential and are only used by Energiestro
to get in touch with you when you ask us.
We do not keep them longer than the law requires or resell them to third parties.
You have the right to consult them, modify them or ask us to delete them on request by mail.
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